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Call for proposals and participants

December 17, 2009 by · 2 Comments 

“Celebrating womyn’s embodiment, cocreation, and the sexual evolution of the universe”

Greetings. We present the Yoniverse Summit March 19-21, 2010 and dedicate it to the cultivation of universal methods and practices honoring and integrating the sanctity of womyn’s yonis and the power of womyns embodiment in our collective psyche. This innovative, 3-day Summit will take place in San Diego, CA and provide cutting edge education, discussions, and presentations of Enlightened Sexuality, combined with fundraising efforts for enlightened sexuality education in both the United States and Africa.

We are creating an exciting program encompassing a variety of issues regarding sexuality and its affect worldwide and introducing bioenergetics, eastern philosophies, holistic approaches to sex education and innovative methods for sexual issues including educating children and teens, redefining intimacy rituals for those sexually disillusioned, and healing those experiencing sexual “dysfunction” and trauma, menopausal challenges, and much more.  And we are thrilled to announce our collaboration with a team of tenured doctors and advocates working in Africa and will be presenting our exciting approach to eradicating Female Genital Mutilation, one village at a time.

I envisioned the Yoniverse Summit and have over three decades of experience as a psychologist, holistic health facilitator, filmmaker, author and educator/researcher on sexuality and gender.  The Summit will include panel discussions, workshops and presentations, a slide show, an auction and art exhibit, a screening of the movie, “Enlightened Sexuality” and several performing artists.

We invite you to participate in the Yoniverse Summit because (((of your knowledge and experience in womyns sexuality, of your talent as a singer, artist, writer, activist, rapper))).  This will give you the opportunity to join our alliance and to present your work to a group of professionals in the fields of sex education, sex healing and advocacy.  This summit will be taped and offered as Continuing Education Units through Spiral Awakening and AASECT. We look forward to the possibilities of collaborating with you and request your confirmation as a guest presenter by January 15, 2010.

If you are interested as a panelist…please submit vitae, 2 learning objectives, 25-word bio, an 80-word brief abstract and a 450-word abstract of your presentation.

If you are interested as a rapper, vocalist, musician or artist…please submit a sample of your work and tell us why you would like to be involved.

For more information on the Yoniverse Summit, email Dr Lisa: spiralawakening@gmail.com.

Dr Lisa Apramian, Ph.D.





2 Responses to “Call for proposals and participants”
  1. Hello Cosmic Earth Goddesses All,

    I love the title of this website, and it is great that you are having a Yoniverse Summit over Spring Equinox! I would love to teach my class in Yoni Dowsing at such an event… as well as a few other specialties of mine… such as opening the Divine Feminine Chakra System, which it most people do not even know of, let alone have any of it functional. However, my partner and I are scheduled to teach a weekend of our own that time period. Will there be any other such events I might partake in?

    Orgasmic New Earth Blessings, Shondra ~ Rose of Light

    ps. my website will be operational NEXT week.

  2. admin says:

    Greetings We already have plenty of presenters on the areas you speak of….we are calling for presenters w other specialties. If you would like to become a donor or a member and contribute, this would be lovely. We have Summits once to twice a year…You can submit a professional proposal for the following Yoniverse Summit
    Spiral Tribe